Monday, May 6, 2013

Nacho LIbre Night

I know it's been a long time since I posted anything. Two years of that was nursing school. One year was due to Sean and I moving around a lot and the camera being packed away. So I'm happy to re-start the blogging experience with something I said I was going to do for almost a year, a Nacho Libre Night. Jes, you read that correctly and it was fantaastic! We had a family favorite growing up: American Taco's which was made with fresh ingredients. We watched the movie and we also made our own luchador masks. Here's how it went.
 Here is Britta and Sean working on their masks. To make the masks I just took old T shirts and turned them inside out and up side down and used the neck line of the shirt to be the neck line of the masks. It was super easy and turned our suprisingly well. Sean suggested I just go get a bunch of boys undies and we could use those instead, it's a good thing I filter the advice I take from him.

 So here are the results. This one is Baby Macie and Annicka. Everyone had there own luchador name. Annicka was Enbarazada
She has had diarrhias since Easters.
  Here is Mason aka El Grande. I think he looks more like a nemesis of Batman. He was made with de lords chips.
 Here is Joslin who is La Tornada. This one was fun because Mason said his favorite move was "a punch to da face" and his catch phrase is "Watch out here I come" and Joslin's favoite move was "el turno" and her catch phrase was "You spin me right round baby right round" She loves poopies and serving de lord.
 Here is Selina also known as Caballero De Espacio, she's a bit obsessed wih Buzz Lightyear. I think she smells cookies.  
 Sean was the fierce El Galo. His favorite move is "The Peck"and his catch phrase was "Ba-ka!" Here is how awsome Sean is, everyone else used the glue gun. Sean used a needle and thread. As you can see he was trying to summon his eagle powers, but didn't quite make it.
 Here is Britta. She cracked me up because she sat down and was stumped. So she is Que. Her move the "Que so" Here she looks like a russian nesting doll. Maybe nearby we will find a lush garden.

Mine when it was done ended up looking like an insect with a christmas theme. So I was Navidad Insecto. I like to "taket ehzy"

And here is Matt who spent most of the night finishing a paper. He was the eyeless Salteno. He knows a butt load of crap aabout the gospel.

Here we are all together. In all it was a pretty good night.
 And there was also some wrestling. Here is Sean and I locked in an epic battle.