Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Conference Picnic

So it's that time of year again, Conference weekend! And I intend to keep the annual (so far only for three years) tradition of holding a picnic at Memory Grove Park. Every year I have hosted a very miniature event where, whoever wants to come, comes with me to Temple Square for the second session on Sunday. We go to the grassy area next to the reflecting pool and listen to the talks while enjoying the warm spring weather. Afterwards we all go to Memory Grove Park and enjoy a little picnic. It's been so fun every year that I've done this and everyone has enjoyed it. The only problem that I've run into every year is that Sundays aren't very good for everyone. So this year I've decided to change it to the second session on Saturday. The only problem here is that Every Saturday for the past few years it has rained, but it's been sunny every Sunday. So I'm taking a chance and planning the picnic for Saturday so that everyone can come, so cross your fingers! Even if it does rain we can relocate to my place in Sugar House. You are all invited and anyone is welcome. I will be making my chicken salad crescent sandwiches. If you can come (and I really hope everyone do) please bring a treat to share. I hope to see you all, and happy spring!