Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yes Bishop, we plan to stay here a few years

Or do we?....Well I thought that was the plan. Let me tell you a little story about my husband. Every time we go to a movie we always drop by a store before hand and get a candy. I usually get circus peanuts or peanut M&M's. But my husband has to weigh all the options. Does he want chocolate, does he want fruity, does he want a lot, does he want a little, how much does it cost, and so on. It usually takes him about 30 minutes to decide on a candy for the movie. He will always ask my opinion at least a few times, but I usually don't give it because I notice that the person that makes the decision has to live with the consequences of the decision. So I let him just stand there and figure it out himself while I look at the magazines which are usually located very close to the candy no matter what store you are in. This is just a candy decision, the indecisiveness increases with an increase in price I've noticed. I don't even want to tell you how long it took him to decide which blu-ray to get let alone weather or not to get one.
Now take that scenario and I want you to imagine my husband deciding on a house. You can imagine why I suggested to him that we wait until I'm done with school to make such a big decision. Well a couple of weeks ago, my husband told me that he realized that even with all that we are saving, we won't be able to out right buy the house that we want before we have kids (like we were planning). So the question now became "should we wait?" I told him if he wanted to look he could look, I was going to school.
Well, one of my co-workers who is a real estate agent said she had found a house that she thought I would be interested in. It was 140,000, bank owned, and on a larger piece of land, not quite an acer. This was all the info that she gave me. So I go home and I mention it to my husband. He then starts to ask me a million questions that I do not have the answers to, nor does he expect answers to them (he's just thinking out loud). So to pacify him I ask my co-worker for more information. I should never have done that.
This is what the past 72 hours of my life have been like:
"Honey, I think we should go look at it"
2 hours later:
"Honey, I think we should just keep saving our money"
2 hours later:
"Honey, lets just drive by the house on our way back from church"
2 hours later:
"It's better to have the compound interest working for us"
2 hours later:
(to some one else) "Well, we might be moving"
2 hours later:
"You know they say the price of homes is still going down, we can probably get a better deal if we wait"
To all of these I respond "Ok, Honey"

I'll start to worry if he applies for a loan.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

So I'm doing this because I don't have anything to post, and even I'm sick of looking at my christmas post

-Any names your parents were thinking about that you would prefer?
I am madly in love with my name, and my parents must have been too because they weren't thinking of any other names either.

-If you had to pick one outfit that you currently own to wear for the rest of your life, what would it consist of?
A pair of jeans, a 3/4 sleeve tee, and a hoodie jacket. So I want to be comfortable, so what.

-What TV show have you seen every episode of?
Arrested Development, Gilmore girls, The X-files, Ghost Writer, Psych, and The Office

-What movie can you quote every line to?
What movie from my childhood can't I quote. My mom use to show it off and I would start quoting movies for them, I even did the music in the background that was between lines. Here's a few of them: Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, The Princess Bride (which was odd to memorize as a child because now as an adult the jokes make sense), all the disney sing alongs, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Sister Act, Beauty and the Beast, While You Where Sleeping, Sabrina, Sense and Sensiblity, Remember the Titains, October Sky. I'm going to stop there, I'm embarassing myself.

-What bands have you seen in concert?
Tim McGraw, STYX (3 times, I love STYX), Journey, REO Speedwagon, Yellow Card, Relient K, Mae, The Brobeks (not sure I'm spelling that right), and a few Big "A" shows and Warp Tours

-What bands would you like to see in concert?
Ones that are impossible: Garth Brooks, The Beetles, and Simon and Garfunkle. I might see Adam Lambert, the kid can entertain.

-If you had the money to retire anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Eden, as in Eden Utah. I've always loved it there and it's close to my favorite resort.

-Is there a piece of jewelry or something similar that if you lost, you would feel naked?
Does my cell phone count, no, I gues it would have to be my wedding ring, although I don't wear it much because of my job.

-What is one thing [appearance-wise or other] you would change about yourself?
I wish I had a crazy high metabolism like my husband that would allow me to me warm all the time, eat what ever I want, and never gain a pound.

-One thing you would change about your best friend?
How much he moves around in his sleep.

-Everyone remembers their first birthday party that involved friends. Describe yours.
I don't remember much. I rememeber I was turning five, my friends were all invited and they all wanted to play with my new Barbi doll.

-If you could go back in time and change your first kiss, would you?
No, for being a first kiss it was pretty good.

-How many times have you said “I love you” to someone of the opposite sex [romantically] and meant it?
I say it every day and only ever to one person, My Favorite (Sean).

-How many times have you said it and not meant it?
Sometimes I say it a little Sarcastically to friends and family, but even then I mean it.

-Which member of your family has the biggest influence on your life?
My mom, even now.

-If you won a $1,000 shopping spree to one store, what store would you want it to be?
REI, that store is so expensive but has everything I want.

-How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Six, it was purple with training wheels.

-Describe the first real party you ever went to [i.e. first party with alcohol].
It was a work party when I first started at LDS Hospital, that's when I realized people aren't really very fun when they are drunk, unless you are drunk yourself.

-Did you like high school? Why or why not?
I was indifferent to high school, probably because I didn't go.

-Do you prefer the sound of electric, acoustic, or steel guitar?
Electric, Classic Rock lives on.

-Have you ever read the Bible – even just a little part of it?
Yes, mostly the Four Gospels. But I did read the entire Bible once.

-Out of all the states you’ve visited/lived in, which is your favorite?
Utah, but Oregon comes in at a close second.

-Do you enjoy jigsaw puzzles?
Yes, but not all at once. I like to start a puzzle and leave it for a while, come back, work on it some more, and leave it for a while. It drives Sean nuts.

-What’s the best Christmas present you ever received?
When I was about five or six I went into my Dad's shop and he was making these toys out of wood for charity. There were blocks, trains, baby doll cradles, little rocking chairs, and doll houses. I saw the doll houses and said how much I wanted one and why should the other children get a doll house when I didn't even have one. After some talking to a strong lesson in charity I decided it was alright if the other kids had a doll house and I didn't because at least I had a house to live in. That Christmas when I went up stairs my dad had made a doll house for us too.

-Which of your birthdays was the most memorable?
My 22nd, That was the day that I shared a birthday with another roommate and another friend. We spend the day at my friend Tia's pool, went to the drive in early to play games and have pizza, then we stayed for a couple of movies. It was so much fun and is now a tradition every year.

-Out of all the teachers you’ve had, who had the biggest influence on you?
I had one teacher who had the biggest influence on me and I'm not going to say her name because some of you might know her, and it wasn't a positive impatct. Knowing what I know now I can understand why she did it, she was going through a really rough point in her life. But out of all my classes which were average grades she was failing me. I would ask her why and she would say "you know why." I didn't, I was handing in my assignments and I was learning the material. So when my Mom saw that I was failing, she made an appointment with the teacher and asked why I was failing. The teacher said out right to my mother that I was unintelligent, lazy, and should have been held back in a remedial class. My mom pulled me out of her class immedieatly, but unfortunately the dammage had been done and after that my grades plummeted because I believed her.

- When you were little, what was your favorite Disney movie?
Beauty and the Beast

-What’s your favorite Disney movie now?
Finding Nemo

-What’s your favorite kind of chips?
Cool Ranch Doritos (mostly because they remind me of my mom)

-That you know of, do you have any famous ancestors?
I don't think I do, but I know that Sean is descended from Charlemagne.

-Did you ever beg your parents for a pony?
Did I ever. I wanted a horse so bad I begged my parents for one from age 6 to age 12

-Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Deaf, I think it would be an easier transition.

-What’s the stupidest TV show on the air right now?
A lot of people are going to hate me for this one, but Glee. It's like they took a bunch of twelve year old girls and had them write the script. Did the fans of Gossip Girl get together and write a musical? Oh, there's another one, Gossip Girl. Also Big Love, I'm just not a fan.

Last but not least, type some funny or inspiring lyrics as a closing:
A song....ok...
I'm singing and I'm blogging
And I didn't have anything to write about
But here I am....I'm writing...
And I love you, I love you, I love you.
(Yes I love Elf)